One of the best-selling games in Germany is entering a new chapter and bringing several changes. In us Farming Simulator 25 Tips and Tricks, we show you how to farm successfully, what commands you can give the AI, and what equipment you should buy. We also look at construction and order systems.

1) Choose a specialty

Before starting, you must choose a specialization. In the FS25, You can play in three different directions.

2) Farming Simulator 25 Tips: Hire employees

Compared to its predecessor, AI support has been significantly expanded Farming Simulator 25. You can now assign many different tasks to your workers to help you harvest more and faster. For example, you can make them automatically move from one point on the map to another and plow the fields. Or you can order it to sell fruit or deliver cargo.

Farming Simulator 25 Tips: Hire employees

To avoid giving instructions all the time, you can set a routine that will play out at each planting cycle. Additionally, you can enable certain activities in your employees’ settings so they can do them independently. This includes refilling fertilizer and seeds, as well as refueling vehicles.

You can also learn from AI. If you’re not sure how to perform a particular farm task, give the command to one of your employees. Then press the Tab key (or D-pad if you’re using a controller). The camera will follow your employees, and you can see exactly how the task is being performed.

3) What equipment do you need?

Unless you start Farming Simulator 25 in Easy Mode, you have to invest in equipment first. First, check the price menu to see which fruit gives the highest yield and focus on those. The following checklist shows what you need to develop one:

  • Weeder (to remove weeds from the field)
  • Tractor (to operate the machine)
  • Snapshot (to transport your products to the point of sale)
  • Reaper (to bring the harvest)
  • Farmer (to prepare the field for planting)
  • Seeder (to sow seeds)
  • Fertilizer spreader (to optimize the nutritional value of the soil)

When choosing a tractor, you must ensure that it has enough power to operate the machine. So, think carefully about which vehicle is right for your needs. Your harvester needs the right cutting tools so that your harvest can work optimally. We recommend starting with a classic grain header.

4) How to plow your first field

Of course ours Farming Simulator 25 tips and tricks would not be complete without a guide to plowing fields. So, here is our step by step guide. First of all, you need land to farm. Sign a contract to buy a field, then decide which crops to plant first. We recommend horseradish for beginners.

Then purchase all the equipment mentioned in the previous tip for beginners and attach the cultivator to your tractor. Drive across your fields to remove all the weeds. Then go to town and buy some seeds. Attach the seeder to the tractor and fill it with seed. Activate the machine and plant row after row of future seeds.

Once everything is done, it makes sense to fertilize the soil. Buy bags of fertilizer at the store, pour them into a fertilizer spreader, and drive over the field with the engine running. Now all you have to do is wait and let the plant grow. When it’s big enough, you can pick it up with a harvester and put your trailer under the spreader so the grain can fall into it. Finally, you take it to the point of sale.

5) Vehicle tips

Car dealer in Farming Simulator 25 represented on the map by a yellow shopping basket. The choices are overwhelming, and you may be tempted to overspend. As time goes by, there’s no reason not to buy something, but in the beginning, it’s best to only buy what you really need.

You can find a list of all machines under the Vehicles and Equipment tab. You can also sort them by brand. Plus, each vehicle can be painted and configured to your liking. However, you can buy your first machine in the Used Equipment section if you want to save money.

However, before a used tractor or harvester can function like new, there are usually several things that need to be done. Make repairs if necessary and clean your purchase. This is usually beneficial, as discounts at used dealers are often very large. Any equipment purchased will be parked in front of the dealer for you to pick up after the transaction.

6) Avoid seasonal growth in the beginning

Planting season in FS25 very complex and can quickly frustrate new players. We recommend that you turn it off for now. To do this, go to Settings and select the Game Settings option. Then, set Seasonal Growth to No.

However, do not activate the pause function. This will stop growth completely so that nothing grows at all. With seasonal growth disabled, your plants won’t wilt, even if you miss harvest day or plant at the wrong time.

7) Take a contract

Because there is no overall goal Farming Simulator 25contracts are a great way to add structure to your work. You can get them from NPCs scattered throughout the map. Fulfilling them will also teach you a lot about the game.

Under the Contracts menu, you will find a list of contracts you can accept. This will change over time, so check back from time to time to see if there’s something that interests you.

For each contract, you can choose to use your own equipment or rented equipment. If you choose the latter, you will be charged a fee. The rented equipment will be available to you at the trader’s doorstep as if you had just purchased it.

8) Get animals later

If you decide to specialize in agriculture Farming Simulator 25we recommend that you do without animals for now. Maintaining and caring for them takes a lot of time and effort, and doing this, on top of working in the fields, will be overwhelming at first.

The exception is dogs or bees for honey. Both types of animals require almost no care. On the other hand, chickens, horses, sheep, cows, and pigs require a lot of care before they start producing. It is better to postpone their breeding until later when your field work will already be largely automated.

9) Wake Mode

Finally, let’s take a look at Build Mode. To open it, press the Shift and P keys. Five tabs and subcategories will appear. You can use it to create your own farmhouse, build a garage for your vehicles, or build a shed for your machines.

There is also a warehouse for your crops and pens for your animals. You can place each building one by one. For example, having a market nearby will save transportation time. You can also change the landscape by lowering and raising the ground and purchasing decorations.

Make farming easier with PLITCH!

We Farming Simulator 25 tips and Tricks will give you a good foundation for your first farm. PLITCH Farming Simulator 25 cheats will help you cultivate the fields and expand your farm.

Add as much money as you want to buy all the equipment or vehicles you want, or increase the game speed to speed up plant growth. You can also adjust your speed and running time with our single player trainer.

Visit this blog to learn more about PLITCH and our video to view Farming Simulator 25 cheating in the game!

Happy Gaming!

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